Thursday, November 13, 2008

Susan & Jay The Vinoy St. Petersburg

I had the pleasure of capturing Susan & Jay's wedding on November 1st.  The beautiful Vinoy was the location for their ceremony and reception!  Although the ceremony received a good down pour, the wedding was still GORGEOUS!  Susan and Jay are a great couple, I had a great time capturing their love, but I already knew they would be photogenic after our fun engagement session in Ybor!
I love Susan's face in this one, she had the classiest hairdo!
Gorgeous Susan in the gardens of The Vinoy
Jay surprised Susan with this classy pearl necklace before the ceremony
The groom getting all spiffy for his big appearance
Susan's father joining the groom's hand with his daughters
Outside right before the rain started (but that is good luck right!!!)
The happy couple reappeared outside post rain
So these shoes have become quite popular, at least every other wedding I go to they tell me they saw the famous shoe photo on my website and decided to go with the gem stones.  They are cute, but you can thank Allison & Rich from my 2007 weddings for the original!
Lounging around
Anxiously awaiting their reception
Oh there were lots of great dance moves