Monday, October 20, 2008

Deanna & Mike My BFF :)

After telling me not to "hold my breath.." De and Mike are engaged! Its official, the wedding is next August. I am doubling as their photog and Deanna's Matron of Honor! Should be exciting... Deanna was my Maid of Honor a year and a half ago, they are both two of the kindest people you will ever meet. I cannot wait for their big day, if you know them.. YOU KNOW... it will be a blast!
Lounging around
The pumpkin patch visit
Too cute!
Soon to be Mr and Mrs being all romantic
What a great day!
Two of a kind
De's bling! Nice job Mike!
Being supermodels :)
Mike brought his bike along. Ps. gotta love the burrs!
taking off into the sunset, literally