Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Carmen & David's Engagement Session!

It was fun to visit my old stomping grounds at The University of Tampa. I headed over there to photograph Carmen and Davids engagement. We lucked out, NO RAIN! :). They are adorable, I look forward to their up coming wedding in July!Bride Name: Carmen Polanco
Bride Age: 24
Bride Occupation: Kindergarten Teacher
Groom Name: David Sanchez
Groom Age: 28
Groom Occupation: Real Estate

How did he propose? Christmas Eve Dinner, his family came over to my parent's home, he kept asking me to open a present, and I kept refusing to open one till midnight, so he finally got over me saying no and told me to open one, so I went to look for one and next thing I know he is on his knee. He asked me to be his babe, and I said yeah!

Engagement Ring Style? Classic, three stone.

How will you keep your marriage fresh n fun? Going on trips, trying new things out and doing things together as a family; starting our own traditions. DREAM wedding feature you would have? Destination wedding, and having my favorite salsa singer Gilberto Santa Rosa sing at my wedding.